Una Bancarrota Le Ayudaría Si Es Un Ilquilino Que Debe Renta?

Two children standing in front of a door, struggling with rent and considering bankruptcy as a solution.

Con el termino de la pandémia, estamos comenzando a realizar todos los daños que hizo.  Todavia hay muchas personas sin trabajo.  Hay personas que estaban recibiendo beneficios para sobrevivir, y ya cortaron esos beneficios.  En muchos ciudades, incluyendo aqui en Nueva York, habia una moratoria a los casos de desalojos, pero esa hace tiempo que […]


Can Filing Bankruptcy Stop An Eviction in New York City Housing Court?

A scale representing commercial eviction and chapter 7 bankruptcy.

New York City is one of the most expensive cities, and also one of the most densely populated cities, in the world. As a result, it’s not uncommon to find individuals who have fallen behind on their monthly rent payments and are now facing eviction. Many New Yorkers are asking can filing bankruptcy stop an […]


Bankruptcy and Renting: Navigating Housing Options

Man reviewing financial documents with terms

In 2023 , about 69% of New Yorkers rent their residence in NYC, while the cost to rent jumped to an all-time high as well.  If you’re struggling to pay your bills while renting an apartment, many people try to put all their disposable income to paying the rent, which often leads to missing payments […]


Bankruptcy Lien Stripping: A Comprehensive Guide for Debtors

Illustration of a woman celebrating a checkmark beside the words

These days, many people find themselves in a chapter 13 bankruptcy to try and stop foreclosure proceedings, especially with respect to the debtor’s principal residence.  This may be simple when you have one mortgage holder to deal with, but what happens when you have multiples mortgages or equity lines?  Fortunately, the bankruptcy code offers some […]


What is the Chapter 7 Filing Fee in New York City?

Man looking at his phone with a concerned expression while holding a coffee cup, with text about Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing fee in New York City.

Bankruptcy Filing Fees for Chapter 7 If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, one question at the top of your list might be what is the cost of bankruptcy. As you may be aware, there are different types of bankruptcy, and many individuals tend to file either chapter 7 or chapter 13. The good news […]


What are the Chapter 13 Tax Return Requirements and How Do They Impact My Case?

A graphic banner focused on Chapter 13 tax return requirements and their impact on case, with a woman's focused gaze superimposed over text.

Feeling overwhelmed by debt and unsure how to take back control? You might not know this, but there are different types of bankruptcy, and chapter 13 is one type of bankruptcy available under the bankruptcy code.  Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as a “wage earners plan,” is designed to assist individuals who have a regular […]


Puedo Hacer Bancarrota Si Soy Ilegal En Los Estados Unidos?

Una persona con un montón de dinero.

Es bien sabido que millones de personas viven en los Estados Unidos sin estatus legal. Sin embargo, muchos tienen trabajos a los que asisten todos los días, muchos presentan declaraciones de impuestos y muchos tienen tarjetas de crédito y otros tipos de crédito.  Así como las personas que tienen un estatus legal pueden experimentar dificultades […]



How long does Chapter 7 bankruptcy last?

When you’re struggling with debt, it may file like there are little to no options available to you. Commercials about for debt settlement programs, but you haven’t been able to make any progress repaying the debt this way.  You search online and see lots of ads for debt consolidation loans, but you don’t appear to […]


What Can I Do If My Chapter 13 Payments Are Too High?

What can i do if chapter 13 payments are too high?.

Filing bankruptcy under Chapter 13 is not easy. Since the premise of a chapter 13 case is based on repaying some portion of your debt over a three or five-year plan (aka a long time), lots of things can happen in that time to make it challenging to continue making your plan payments. An ex-spouse […]


How Long Does Bankruptcy Stay On Your Credit Report? Understanding the Impact and Recovery Process

How long does bankruptcy remain on your credit report?

When filing bankruptcy and after getting your discharge, it can feel like it’s going to be impossible to achieve financial wellness, that you’ll never be able to start a small business or buy real estate. Depending on the type of bankruptcy you file, whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, this decision can influence your credit […]

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